Bourses Master et Doctorat à l'université de Roehampton (RU)

Masters/PhD in Dance. 

Lieu:  Université de Roehampton
Deadline:  19 février 2014

Consulter l'offre sur le site l'université

AHRC Studentships (PhD and Masters) in Dance available at the University of Roehampton for EU and Home students through the TECHNE Partnership (application deadline February 19, 2014)
The Department of Dance at the University of Roehampton invites expressions of interest to join our Masters and PhD Programmes. We are interested in all genres of dance practised within and beyond Britain. All fields of Dance Studies are welcome but we would be especially interested in hearing from potential candidates on the following topics:  Contemporary Performance; Dance and Community Arts; Dance and Health; Dance, Gender and Sexuality; Dance Histories; Philosophy of Dance; Practice-led Research; Choreography and Cross Disciplinary Practices; Popular and Social Dance; Ballet; Choreomusical analysis; Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage; Movement Analysis and Motion Capture; and Dance and Digital Arts.

Our focus on the “craft” (Techne) of the discipline of Dance with our wide interdisciplinary expertise in analysis, aesthetics, anthropology, choreography, ethnography, history, philosophy, sociology, and South Asian Studies is unique in the country and worldwide.