Margaret Angus Research Fellowship

Date: mai-septembre 2015
Lieu: Museum of Health Care, Ann Baillie Building, 32 George Street - Kingston, ON K7L 2V7
Deadline: 2 février 2015


The Museum of Health Care will accept proposals for a resident 16-week summer research fellowship (May-September), which will investigate a topic relevant to the history of health and health care (any discipline) utilizing the Museum's collections, reference materials, exhibits, and/or educational programs.

The Fellow will work on-site to produce a manuscript that will become part of the Museum’s collection and will deliver a public presentation of his or her findings, usually in the fall.

Senior undergraduate students and recent graduates of Honours Bachelor, Master's or PhD programs preferred.

To view a list of research topics of current interest to the Museum, visit

To view a list of topics previously covered, visit

The goals of the fellowship are:

  • to develop an appreciation of the value of the history of health care
  • to become familiar with research methodology in the history of health care
  •  to gain experience in historical research in the history of health care
  • to make a contribution towards understanding the artefacts in the Museum's collection and its reference materials
  • to understand the role of health care museums in the history of health care

Fellowship Criteria

  • The topic should clearly relate to the history and science of health and health care. See the Museum website for a list of suggested subjects.
  • The manuscript should include information from primary sources, such as archival papers and artefacts from the Museum collection, as well as photographs, illustrations, and other visuals.
  • The expectation at the end of the Fellowship is a manuscript and a public presentation.
  • One of the goals of the Fellowship is to provide experience for new scholars. As such, senior undergraduate and graduate students will be given preference.
  • Candidates should be prepared to complete their research within the time allotted for the Fellowship.
  • The Fellow is expected to reside in the Kingston area for the duration of the Fellowship.
  • Candidates considering applying for the Fellowship may arrange an interview to discuss their proposal prior to submission.

Applications must include:

  • A letter of application explaining the candidate’s interest in the fellowship, detailing their suitability for the position, and noting their selected topic.
  • An up-to-date CV including the candidate’s name, address and contact information; education to date; previous employment experience; and other relevant activities.
  • A brief research proposal (300-350 words), which describes the topic and proposed research plan, reasons for the candidates choice of this topic, and how the project would utilize the Museum’s collections, reference materials, and/or exhibits, and/or enhance the Museum’s educational programs.
  • Two academic letters of reference.

Submit your application to:
Dr. Jane Errington - Chair, Program Committee
Museum of Health Care, Ann Baillie Building, 32 George Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2V7

*All digital applications MUST be submitted in .doc, .rtf, or .pdf format

Value: $4600.00
Applications must be received by 2 February 2015. Selection of the Fellow will be confirmed by 2 March 2015.

For further inquiries, contact Diana Gore or Ashley Mendes at 613-548-2419 or