Moving, relating, commanding: Choreographies for bodies, identities and ecologies
In the 15. NOFOD [Nordic Forum for Dance Research] conference we want to address choreography’s acute cultural and socio-political relevance in the face of worldwide protesting and a global pandemic. Choreography holds a capacity to exert and impose power, but also to identify, investigate and undermine it. As “a plan or orchestration of bodies in motion,” choreography provides knowledge about movement and its regulation: how moving bodies are arranged, fixed, ordered andmanipulated.1At the same time, choreographic knowledge enables analyses of such regulation and its embodied defiance.André Lepecki has referred to choreography as a system of command, but with what forcefulness do different instances of choreographic commanding impose themselves on bodies? What room do they leave for interpretation? Is the commanding a subtle nudge,an authoritative order, a suggestion, a manipulation and –not least –what are the alternatives to obeying it? How can we invent, explore and insist on them? And what sanctions do different choreographic systems put in place to punish those who stray from the prescribed path? We want to use the conference as a forum to explore the relevance of such questions in a variety of social, artistic and pedagogical contexts.
After an expanded notion of choreography has been researched for some years now, the 15thNOFOD conference wants to explore its renewed current relevance. We, furthermore, want to give a platform to showcase how this strand has developed in the Nordic countries and explicitly open dance research up to other disciplines. We therefore invite contributions that transcend dance (studies) as a discipline, as well as contributions that explore practical modes of research to propose contributions on these, but not only these, topics:
Choreo-writing and choreo-reading
Production of choreographic knowledge and choreographic methodologies
Choreography and archiving; movement transmission; historical choreography
Please send your proposal in the form of an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short bio (100 words) to conference@nofod.orgby 15 December 2020.
For the whole text of the CFP and more information about NOFOD, please consult